Tuesday 27 December 2016

16 things I've learned in 2016..

Hey, guys.
Apologies for the disappearance- it's been a crazy year and I've neglected this space... however I am back! And ready to ramble. :)
I thought seeing as it's December, I'd post some things I've picked up over this past year, some more serious than others, & fill you all in.
I have now finished my apprenticeship in Optics and have been taken on full time where I was training, still loving it, still feeling lucky to be there!
Here are 16 things I've learned in 2016:

  1. Losing myself in a good book is, and always will be, one of my favourite things to do. I got a kindle for Christmas & I'd forgotten how much I adore reading. I'm currently re-reading David Eddings' "Pawn of Prophecy" - his books are my favourite fantasy world to get lost in. I first read them when I was in junior school/early senior school so 10-11 and I still love them just as much now, 16 years later. 
  2. Gaining weight isn't a bad thing. I've discovered the world of being warm, filling out bras and feeling generally healthy this year. Hooray!
  3. I don't deserve to be treated badly. It's difficult to remember sometimes and I'm still amazing at beating myself up, but I don't deserve bad shit. 
  4. I'm actually quite creative.
  5. Nail art is my jam. I love it and I'm pretty good at it too!
  6. No matter the circumstance, no means no and you don't have to feel guilty for saying it.
  7. Lush will always be my favourite store. I could easily spend my monthly paycheck in there. ❤
  8. It's okay to cry, it's okay to admit that you're sad or struggling. Most people will support & love you regardless and those who don't, don't deserve your time anyway.
  9. I'm actually looking forward to being a mother (eventually).
  10. Never take normal, healthy toes for granted. I had 4 months of crazy pain with an ingrown toenail before having surgery to sort it out & I still hurt now.. I can't wait to wear open toed shoes without wanting to hide from the world again!
  11. I need (want) more tattoos. 
  12. I love my cats. (this isn't something I learned this year but they're my babies and they deserve a mention!)
  13. Family will always be there and always come first. Again, I didn't specifically learn that this year but each year I'm reminded of how great my family is. :)
  14. I never, ever, want to do shift work again. I love this 9-5 work pattern and so does my health.
  15. There will always be that one particular person in your life who is a complete dick and you can't always escape from that- however you can ignore them and get satisfaction from not rising to their shit.
  16. I reconnected with my puzzle piece earlier this year and I'm the luckiest person in the world to get a fresh start. ❤

All in all it's been a typical year- lots of highs and lows, happy and sad moments.
Roll on 2017!

Hope everyone's had a great year and are all happy and well.

Becky x

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